Blog | Beside the Seaside: The History of Yorkshire's Seaside Resorts

Wakefield Civic Society

an organisation dedicated to making Wakefield a better place in which to live, work or relax.

Hepworth Gallery, Wakefield
Feb 21

Beside the Seaside: The History of Yorkshire's Seaside Resorts

Beside the Seaside - front cover of book by John HeywoodMany of us will have fond memories of holidays at the seaside resorts of the Yorkshire Coast and a new book by local author John Heywood will undoubtedly bring those memories to the fore.

John is an experienced professional family and local historian living in West Yorkshire. History has been his passion for over forty years. (He blames his parents for taking him to every abbey, castle and historic house they could find!)

He is very glad that hey did though. His first book Silent Witnesses told the story of those men from the village of Horbury near Wakefield who paid the ultimate price during the Great War. His latest book Beside the Seaside - A History of Yorkshire's Seaside Resorts was a great labour of love to research and write.

The book is published by Pen and Sword and retails for £15.99. We hope to have a supply of books for you to purchase on the evening, directly from the author himself and at a small discount on the published price!

John is currently working on his second book for Pen and Sword due for publication later this year. He also contributes to several magazines and has recently collaborated with Wakefield Cathedral on a World War One project.

Doors Open at 7.00 pm for a 7.30 pm start. This is a free event. Open to all.