With the planning
application now submitted to create Tileyard Wakefield alongside the Hepworth
Gallery, our attention turns again to Wakefield’s waterfront which should soon
come alive to the activity of construction workers as the area is turned into a
new cultural hub for the city.
The developer’s vision is to create “a rich, mixed-use, inclusive, creative and cultural cluster” at the former Rutland Mills complex. The developers say that they anticipate “a programme that includes artists, designers and musicians; digital and tech industries; artisan craft and makers; studios and commercial space; retail; restaurant and hotel offers; event and gallery space and education”.
This will be a significant boost for Wakefield’s cultural reputation and the development is to be warmly welcomed. We will start our evening with a short overview of the Society’s response to the proposal which we are currently drafting.
For our main speaker, we are pleased to welcome Stewart Jackson who will take us on a photographic journey around Wakefield but with a particular focus on the Rutland Mills site where he was recently given access to take some new photographs before work starts.
Stewart is I am a mature student in his final year of BA (Hons.) in Contemporary Photographic Arts at Batley School of Art. He is a qualified member of the British Institute of Professional Photography.
Stewart will also talk a little about the work he has done for Muscular Dystrophy UK.
This is a free event, open to all but booking is advisable - tickets can be booked via Eventbrite.
The talk begins at 7.30 and will be held in the Kingswood Suite of Wakefield Town Hall, Wood Street, Wakefield. (Doors open from 7 pm)