Wakefield Artwalk - July 2015
For the July Artwalk, Wakefield Civic Society Presents:
Ivor Tymchak

This Is Not Art Boy
This Is Not Art Boy is the latest project from the artist Ivor Tymchak. It is a conceptual artwork that explores issues in society that are either being ignored or oversimplified in the media – issues around authority, freedom of expression, gaming the system and money. By playing with these issues in a non-threatening way via conceptual art, Ivor is asking profound questions of an unsuspecting audience and making them complicit in the creation of artworks. This film shot in Hebden Bridge shows this process in action.
The excursion into conceptual art has been a re-awakening of his interest in the arts as his previous history is one of a typical representational artist working with traditional media. The need to represent reality as accurately as he could was, as he puts it “a straightjacket of conformity, a terrible self-imposed prison sentence for my ideas.”
He continues, “Art is about playfulness, about ideas, about letting go of the normal rules. If art doesn’t do that then it’s become just another commodity to be consumed.”

At 7.00 pm on the Artwalk evening, Conceptual Art is to be created when Ivor performs a gesture dressed as This Is Not Art Boy outside the Old Town Hall in Crown Court, just around the corner from our office in King Street.