Blog | Wakefield Artwalk May 2013

Wakefield Civic Society

an organisation dedicated to making Wakefield a better place in which to live, work or relax.

Hepworth Gallery, Wakefield
May 29

Wakefield Artwalk May 2013

Do drop in and see us between 5 pm and 9 pm on Wednesday, 29th May to see a new exhibition of photographs by John Bickerdike, one of our committee members:

John Bickerdike ARPS DPAGB

My style of photography is eclectic.  If I 'see' a picture I take it. I am more interested in lighting, shape and form than content.  So my images range from abstract to street photography with a mixture of portraits, landscapes, architecture and nature.  The modern digital camera can produce very high resolution images with very good colour balance, which together with modern software and printers produce prints, either in colour or monochrome that, are directly comparable with traditional methods and which have very good archival properties. Moreover, modern software allows the photographer to manipulate an image well beyond that which could be achieved in the darkroom.  This has led to the introduction of a new verb, to 'Photoshop'.  All my images are processed, to a more or less degree, to achieve the desired result.  I also often add a little something; may be you can spot it?